Tuesday 31 May 2011

On hiatus - back soon!

After thumbing through the Questionable Content archive for about two hours (in between, of course, putting off that horrible, guilt-ridden revision; it's always there, ticking away like The Telltale Heart) I've a craving for hipster-made coffee and pastries. I may swing by the shop with a bag of books, I guarentee I'll get more done without a computer.

On the subject of my all-important work, the blog is going to be quite quiet for the next week or two. At least until exams are finished, and maybe a little bit after. I'm looking at getting a domain name of my own and tinkering with the layout, with a bit of guest-posting to do in the meantime. I want very much to make the look of the blog less... standard-blogger-template-esque is the only hyphonated word I can think of. Probably because it IS a standard blogger template. A bit more professional, you might say, and now that I've got a bit of content I wanted to do this as early in the blog's life as possible. To my devoted readers (all three of you) I understand that these are harrowing times to simply go cold turkey without your thrice-weekly dose of my wonderful witticisms. Be strong, you'll make it.

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