Thursday 14 April 2011

A Long-expected Party.

Peter Jackson gives us a first look at The Hobbit. We see a lot of pre-production; the wardrobe department, a tour of the sets and some fight choreography. However, what excited me most was the actors mapping out my favourite sequence, the council of the Dwarves at the start of the book.

I mean, wow.

I could drone for paragraphs about how much I loved this video, how good Rivendell looks, little Martin Freeman tottering around with an armful of axes and the perfect casting of the dwarves (Jackson, in a stroke of genius, apparently chose to raid the BBC's entire back catalogue of respected male actors) but I won't patronise you with that. Let's just say when I heard Ian Holm (Bilbo in Lord Of The Rings) read the opening line of my favourite book in the world as the door of Bag End closed, there was no doubt in my mind that we're in for something special.

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